Aerospace Services

Northrop Grumman's Aerospace Services offers comprehensive engineering, testing and analysis services.
woman in clean suit for aeropace services

Solving the Toughest Challenges

With a broad array of facilities and an experienced technical staff, we solve challenging problems for our customers. We deliver credible test results that meet stringent U.S. military, NASA and commercial standards. We provide tailored solutions that meet customers’ technical, cost and schedule requirements. 

black male and white female in anachoic chamber

World-Class Laboratories, Engineering and Testing

Antenna Testing

Antenna Measurement Services

Securely measures performance of broadband, feed, multi-beam and phased array antennas...

Technician using advanced instruments and equipment

Chemistry Services

Investigative testing and analytical services to support product development and failure analysis...

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects

Electromagnetic Environmental Effects Services

Engineering design and testing services for electromagnetic interference and compatibility...

Radiation Testing

Characterization, qualification, and radiation lot acceptance testing...

Environmental & Specialty Testing

Services include dynamic, structural, and thermal and testing, simulating most space environments...

Black man working on metrology calibration devices

Metrology Services

ISO 17025 accredited provider of extensive calibration and measurement services...

tip of rocket

Antenna and Radar Cross Section Testing

High-Quality Composite Manufacturing for Commercial and Military Aircraft, Launch Vehicles and Naval Systems...

hand attaching microchip to motherboard

Contact Us

E-mail: Aerospace Services
Phone: 310-813-0000

More Information

Aerospace Services Datasheet
Terms and Conditions
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