Chemistry Services

Performing investigative testing and analytical services
man in lab coat working on pc

Our Chemistry Services laboratories are equipped with state of the art instruments and staffed by leaders in the fields of chemistry, engineering and science.

We are eager to solve complex chemistry problems.
Hunter Murfee
Chemistry Services Manager
man working in chemistry lab

Chemistry Services Capabilities

Our capabilities include:

  • Consulting Services
  • Failure Analysis
  • Materials Characterization
  • Contamination Analysis
  • Surface Imaging and Elemental Analysis
  • Thermomechanical Analysis
  • Rapid Prototyping Design/Build/Demonstration
  • Hazardous and Explosive Materials Testing/Handling

Facilities and Equipment Available to Perform Analyses

For Instrument Details/Parameters, Click on Headings Below:

Elemental Analysis

  • Oxygen/Nitrogen/Hydrogen Elemental Analyzer
  • Carbon/Sulfur Elemental Analyzer
  • Carbon Analyzer
  • Atomic Absorption (AA) With Aspirated and Graphite Furnace Sample Introduction
  • Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICPMS)
  • Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICPOES)
  • X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)
  • Electrogravimetric Analyzer

Molecular Analysis

  • ThermoFisher Scientific Ulta High Presure Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC) with LTQ XL™ Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (MS)
  • Moisture Meter
  • Moisture Meter With Solid Probe
  • X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
  • Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR)
  • High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
  • Gas Chromatography (GC) With Gas Introduction Capabilities #1
  • Gas Chromatography (GC) With Gas Introduction Capabilities #2
  • Gas Chromatography / Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) With Head Space Analyzer
  • Ion Chromatography (IC)
  • Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer (UV/VIS)
  • Gas Analyzer

Physical Analysis

  • Brookfield Rheometer
  • ARES Rheometer
  • Conductivity Meter
  • Refractometer
  • Tensiometer
  • Fluorometer
  • Zetasizer Particle Size Analyzer

Surface Analysis

  • Auger / Electron Spectrometry for Chemical Analysis (ESCA, XPS)
  • Profilometer
  • Scanning Electron Microscope with Elemental Determination Capabilities

Thermal Analysis

  • Thermal Mechanical Analyzer (TMA)
  • Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA)
  • Simultaneous Differential Temperature Analysis and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (SDT:DTA/TGA)
  • Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)


  • Microwave Sample Digester
  • Laminar Flow Bench
  • Optical Microscope with Image Capture
  • Balances
  • Glove Box
  • Rotovap
  • Centrifuge
  • Ovens
  • DI Water System
  • Casio EXLIM EX-F1 High Speed Camera

Elemental Analysis

Leco ONH836 Elemental Analyzer
Description Applications
Leco ONH836 Elemental Analyzer Quantitative determination of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen of inorganic materials, ferrous and nonferrous alloys, and refractory materials using the inert gas fusion technique.
Instrument Range (1 g sample)
  • Oxygen: 0.00005 to 50 mg
  • Nitrogen, He Carrier Gas: 0.00005 to 30 mg
  • Nitrogen, Ar Carrier Gas: 0.0002 to 30 mg
  • Hydrogen: 0.0001 to 2.5 mg
  • Oxygen: 0.000025 mg or 0.3% RSD, whichever is greater
  • Nitrogen, He Carrier Gas: 0.000025 mg or 0.3% RSD, whichever is greater
  • Nitrogen, Ar Carrier Gas: 0.0001 mg or 0.3% RSD, whichever is greater
  • Hydrogen: 0.00005 mg or 2% RSD, whichever is greater

Atomic Absorption (AA) With Aspirated and Graphite Furnace Sample Introduction
Description Applications
  • - Perkin Elmer Analyst 300 with flame and graphite furnace capabilities.
  • - Lamps for most elements.
  • - Both acetylene/air and acetylene/nitrous oxide flame for excitation.
  • - Robust technique for corrosive samples.
  • - Automated sample introduction for increased throughput and unattended operation.
  • - Trace metal analyses of aqueous solutions.
  • - Metal finishing solution analysis.
  • - Water analysis.
  • - Wastewater analysis.
  • - Solder analysis.
  • - Typical detection limits for
  • - Flame: 1 to 10 parts-per-million (ppm) in water.
  • - Graphite furnace: 0.01 to 1 ppm in water.
  • - Sample size required: ~ 10 milliliters.
  • - Flame sample throughput using autosampler: 1 sample/minute

Carbon Analyzer
Description Applications
Shimadzu TOC-V CSH/ASI-V Quantitative determination of total organic carbon (TOC) and total inorganic carbon (TIC)
Sample Type:
  • Aqueous liquids
  • Solids that are miscible in acidic or basic solutions
Sample Size:
  • Liquids: > 20 mL
  • Solids: > 0.5g

Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES)
Description Applications
Spectro Ciros Vision simultaneous measurement optical emission spectrometer.
  • - Analysis of most elements in the periodic table with sensitivity in some cases comparable to ICP-MS.
  • - Analysis of total sulfur, arsenic, selenium and phosphorous.
  • - Less affected by matrix suppression than ICP-MS.
  • - Analysis of trace elements in high dissolved-solids matrices, such as plating baths.
  • - Complements ICP-MS: allows analysis of elements that would otherwise have spectral/matrix interferences by ICP-MS.
Uses inductively coupled plasma to generate excited atoms which emit element-specific radiation. This radiation is diffracted into its spectral components in the optical system. A diode array of semiconductor detectors (CCDs) provides simultaneous measurement of emission intensities, which are in turn converted into element concentrations by the Ciros Vision's dedicated Smart Analyzer software.

Electrogravimetric Analyzer
Description Applications
Eberbach electrodeposition machine.
  • - Metal alloy purity by gravimetric analysis.
  • - Copper purity analysis.
  • - Platinum cathodes and anodes.
  • - Deposition currents up to 5 amps.
  • - Two stations to allow replicates.

Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Description Applications
Perkin Elmer ELAN 6100 Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS)
  • - "Workhorse" for inorganic elemental analysis with a wide variety of applications.
  • - Wide dynamic range, with sensitivity in most cases down to the sub-ppb and ppt level.
  • - Fast simultaneous analysis of most elements in the periodic table – allows for rapid screening of solutions.
  • - Multi-element simultaneous quantitative analysis.
  • - Analysis of both trace elements and main constituents in a wide variety of solutions from deionized water to plating baths.
Inductively Coupled Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) Argon plasma torch operates at 6000 K to generate population of singly-charged atoms which are passed through sampling and skimming cones into a 10-5 torr vacuum chamber. Ions are passed through a voltage-controlled ion lens into a quadrapole mass spectrometer that continually rasters across the entire elemental mass range. The ions are detected by a dual-range ETP detector having sensitivity from a few counts/sec to millions of counts/sec, allowing a dynamic range that extends from ppt to ppm. The TotalQuant Application allows for rapid semi-quantitation of most elements in the periodic table and automatically corrects for spectral interferences. The Quantitative Analysis application allows for rapid simultaneous quantitation of selected elements.

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF)
Description Applications
  • - The Thermo Scientific Niton model XLT3 990s x-ray fluorescence spectrometer.
  • - The XRF instrument presents an unfiltered beam of primary x-rays to the sample surface causing the elements present to emit their characteristic fluorescence lines. The scattered fluorescence is then collimated by an entrance slit and directed to the x-ray fluorescence silicon drift detector.
  • - Metal alloy identification
  • - Quantitative and qualitative measurement of elemental composition
  • - Thickness measurements of metal and painted surfaces
  • - Equipped to analyze ESD sensitive surfaces
X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) Sample Type:
  • Solid Surface
Sample Size:
  • > 3 mm in diameter and > 0.1 mils thick

Molecular Analysis

Moisture Meter
Description Applications
Mitsubishi MCI CA-21 uses Coulometric Karl Fischer titration to determine the water content of solutions. Can be used to determine the water content of solvents.
  • - Measuring Range: 10 μg -100 mg H2O
  • - Sensitivity: < 0.1="" μg="" />
  • - Repeatability: +/- 5 μg for 10 μg -1 mg H2O
  • - Titration Rate: 2.1 mg H2O / minute max
  • - Operational Temperature: 5°C to 40°C

Moisture Meter With Solid Probe
Description Applications
Mitsubishi MCI CA-05 uses Coulometric Karl Fischer titration to determine the water content of solutions. It also has the capability to measure the water content of solids using the purged oven. Can be used to determine the water content of solvents, solids and gases.
  • - Measuring Range: 10 μg -100 mg H2O
  • - Sensitivity: 0.1 μg H2O
  • - Repeatability: +/- 5 μg for 10 μg -1 mg H2O
  • - Titration Rate: 2.1 mg H2O / minute max
  • - Operational Temperature: 5°C to 40°C

X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)
Description Applications
  • - Philips (PANalytical) X'Pert PRO MPD
  • - X-ray Diffraction (XRD) is a powerful nondestructive technique for characterizing crystalline materials. It provides information on structures, phases, preferred crystal orientations (texture), and other structural parameters, such as average grain size, crystallinity, strain, and crystal defects.
  • - Identification/quantification of crystalline phase including thin film phase analysis (grazing incidence XRD)
  • - Standardless quantification (Rietveld refinement)
  • - Quantification of preferred orientation (texture) in thin films, multi-layer stacks, and manufactured parts
  • - X-ray Reflectance (XRR) – Thickness and surface roughness of thin films (2nm – 1mm)
  • - Measurement of average crystallite size, strain, or micro-strain effects in bulk and thin-film samples
  • - Determination of lattice parameters to quantify alloy content
  • - Elements Detected:
    All elements, assuming they are present in a crystalline matrix Hot stage range (23-100oC) Accepts large and small organic/inorganic bulk samples, powders, metals, thin films, plastics, polymers. Large samples must be able to fit on 8" circular stage
  • - Detection Limits:
    Resolution = 0.001° Quantitative multiphase analysis: ~1% External standard quantitative analysis: ~0.1% Minimum film thickness for phase identification: ~20 Angstroms
  • - Depth Resolution:
    Adjustable sampling depth between ~20 Angstroms to ~30 microns, depending on material properties and x-ray incidence angles Lateral Resolution/Probe Size:Point focus: 0.25mm x 0.5mm Line focus: 2mm to 12 mm

Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer (FTIR)
Description Applications
Thermo Scientific Nicolet 6700/Nicolet Continuum microscope analyzes materials providing an infrared spectrum, which is indicative of the material identification and quantity. Attachments include: Angular Spectular Reflectance, Attenuated Total Reflectance, Diffuse Reflectance , Grazing Angle Reflectance.
  • - Particularly useful for identifying major types of organic compounds. Can be used to obtain IR spectra of solids, liquids and gases.
  • - Second FTIR Bench with golden gate Diamond ATR
Spectral Ranges:
  • Mid-IR: 400-4,000 cm-1 (2,500-25,000 nm)
  • Near IR: 4000-11,000 cm-1 (910-2,500 nm)
  • Far IR: 50-400 cm-1 (25,000-200,000 nm)
Operational Modes:
  • Transmission, Reflectance, Absorbance
  • Infrared Microscope Magnification

High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)
Description Applications
Shimadzu LC-20AT/CTO020A/SPD-20A/RID-10A Identify, quantify, and/or purify the individual components of a mixture.
  • - Typical detection limit: 0.02 to 0.1 parts-per-million (ppm).
  • - Sample size needed: 10 milliliters.
  • - Sample Detectors: UV-Vis Absorbance Refractive Index

Gas Chromatography (GC) With PID
Description Applications
  • - HP 6890 GC
  • - HP Gas Chromatograph equipped with gas inlet system.
  • - This GC supports two injectors and two detectors.
  • - Injectors:
    • Split-splitless
    • Packed column
  • - Detectors:
    • Helium pulsed ionization detector (He PID)
    • Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
  • - 6-port gas sampling valve in a purged box This GC supports a single capillary column and a single packed column
  • - Analysis of Cryocooler helium for trace impurities
  • - Analysis of helium in hermetically sealed IMAs for hydrogen
  • - Analysis of air bag inflators for hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen
  • - Composition analysis of AK225 degreaser fluid
  • - Oven Temperature Range: -80°C to 320°C
  • - Oven Temperature Precision: 0.2°C
  • - Oven Temperature Ramp Max: 60°C/min
  • - Injector Temperature Range: -80°C to 300°C
  • - Injector Temperature Precision: 0.2°C
  • - Injector Temperature Ramp Max: 60°C/min
  • - HePID Temperature Range: ambient to
  • - TCD Temperature Range

Gas Chromatography (GC) With PID
HP 6890N GC and G1888 Head Space Analyzer

Gas Chromatography (GC) With FID and TCD
Description Applications
  • - HP 5890 II
  • - HP Gas Chromatograph equipped with gas inlet system.
  • - This GC has two injectors and two detectors.
  • - Injectors:
    • Split-splitless
    • Packed column
  • - Detectors:
    • Flame ionization detector (FID)
    • Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)
  • - This GC supports a single capillary column and a single packed column
Fixed Gas Analysis (H2, H2, N2, O2, CO, CO2, NH3, Ar, Ne, Kr, Xe...)
  • - Oven Temperature Range: -80°C to 300°C
  • - Oven Temperature Precision: 0.2°C
  • - Oven Temperature Ramp Max: 60°C/min
  • - Injector Temperature Range: -80°C to 300°C
  • - Injector Temperature Precision: 0.2°C
  • - Injector Temperature Ramp Max: 60°C/min

ThermoFisher Scientific Ulta High Presure Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC) with LTQ XL™ Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (MS)
Description Applications
ThermoFisher Scientific Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatograph (UPLC) with LTQ XL™ Linear Ion Trap Mass Spectrometer (MS), with Electrospray (ESI), Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (APCI), Laser Diode Thermal Desorption (LDTD) and Direct Analysis in Real Time (DART) sources. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of complex non-volatile mixtures of organic materials.
  • - Either UPLC or direct MS analyses.
  • - Either UPLC or direct MS analyses.
  • - m/z 15–4000

Ion Chromatography (IC)
Description Applications
  • - Dionex DX 120 Ion Chromatograph for cations and anions using conductivity detection and micromembrane suppression.
  • - Automated sample introduction allows high throughput with unattended operation.
  • - Water impurities.
  • -Aqueous samples.
  • -Surface cleanliness.
  • -Unknown sample analysis.
  • - Typical detection limit: 0.02 to 0.1 parts per million (ppm).
  • - Sample size needed: 10 milliliters.
  • - Common cations: lithium, sodium, potassium, ammonium, calcium, and magnesium.
  • - Common anions: fluoride, chloride, nitrate, phosphate, and sulfate.
  • - Typical analysis time: 10 minutes/sample.

UV/VIS/NIR Spectrophotometer with Diffuse Reflectance
Description Applications
Cary 5000 UV/VIS/NIR Varian External Diffuse Reflectance Accessory The Cary 5000 is a high performance UV-Vis-NIR spectrophotometer with superb photometric performance in the 175-3300 nm range. The PbSmart detector makes it a powerful tool for analytical chemistry and materials science research. The large sample compartment can be expanded to hold large accessories and integrating spheres for spectral and diffuse reflectance. The LockDown mechanism makes it possible to quickly change and position accessories for reproducible results.
  • - Light absorbance from 175 nm to 3300 nm.
  • - Absorbance: 8.0 abs units
  • - Slit widths down to 0.01 nm
  • - Large Sample Compartment

High Sensitivity Gas Analyzer
Description Applications
Teledyne Analytical instrument measures oxygen, water and hydrocarbon contents in gas streams Unit is portable
  • Oxygen - 0.5 ppm
  • Water - 0.04 ppm
  • Hydrocarbon - 0.02 ppm

Portable Gas Analyzer
Description Applications
Teledyne Analytical instrument measures oxygen and water contents in gas streams Unit is portable
  • Oxygen - 0.5 ppm
  • Water - 2.6 ppm

Physical Analysis

Brookfield Rheometer
Description Applications
The Brookfield Rheometer measures the viscosity of viscous solutions at various flow conditions or shear rates. The instrument measures the torque required to rotate a specific spindle through a liquid. Using the different RPM to rotate the spindle allows measurements at various shear rates. A rheometer is different from a viscometer in that the viscometer can only measure viscosity at a single flow condition.
  • - Instrument can measure the viscosity of liquids and gels. Can identify materials as Newtonian (same viscosity at different shear rates), Time Dependent and Time Independent Non-Newtonian (different viscosities at different shear rates), Pseudoplastic (shear thinning) or Thixotropic (decreasing viscosity at constant shear rate).
  • - Using a temperature controlled jacket and the Small Sample Adaptor, Viscosity can be measured at specified temperatures.
  • - Viscometer 1. Brookfield DVIII+
  • - Viscometer 2. Brookfield RVDT
  • - Spindle Set 1. RV 1-7 100-40,000,000 cP
  • - Spindle Set 2. Vane 71-73
  • - Spindle Set 3. Tee A-F
  • - Small Sample Adapter 21, 27 and 29 50-2,000,000 cP

ARES Rheometer
Description Applications
Rheometric Scientific ARES rheometer is a true strain controlled unit having the measuring transducer separated from the drive motor. This unit is versatile and can be operated in steady or dynamic modes. The Tool has fixtures for cone and plate, parallel plate, rectangular torsion for solids, and extensional viscosity fixture for polymeric films. The unit is fitted with liquid nitrogen cooling giving an effective test temperature of -150 to 600°C The rheometer can be used for the study of polymeric melts, flow characteristics, gel time, and much more. Dynamic Mechanical Analysis of Polymer Blends. Influence of Internal Strains on Injection Molding.
  • - TORQUE (2K STD)
  • - Measurement Range: 2 – 2000 g•cm
  • - Bandwidth: 200 Hz minimum
  • - Maximum Operating Frequency: 500 rad/sec (79.6 Hz)
  • - Thermal Drift: 0.01% per °C maximum
  • - Stability: 0.01% of full scale per hour

Conductivity Meter
Description Applications
Determines water purity using a conductivity probe
  • - Deionized water purity
  • - General water purity
  • - Relations exist to ion concentration and conductivity.
Determines water purity up to 18MΩ-cm

Description Applications
Thermo – ABBE-3L Refractometer
  • - Provides the index of refraction from 1.30-1.71 nD
  • - Provides % dissolved solids in Brix scale from 0-85%
  • - Range: Refractive Index - 1.300-1.710 nD
  • - Dissolved Solids – 0 to 85% (sucrose Brix scale)
  • - Accuracy: ±0.0001 Refractive Index
  • - ±0.05 % Dissolved Solids
  • - Temperature Range: 0° to 80°C
  • - Sample Type: Transparent and opaque liquids and solids
  • - Liquid Sample Volume: 0.03 mL liquid
  • - Solid Sample Thickness: > 0.0001 mm

Description Applications
Thermo Scientific Filter The Wide Band Model offers both flexibility and value for studies that require UV excitation and full-range emission detection. The fluorometer features both a quartz halogen and a mercury lamp to create an excitation range spanning 254 to 750 nm. A red sensitive PMT measures emission from 190 to 870 nm. This model is well suited for laboratories performing assays in the UV or near-infrared. Measurements using fluorescence. Can be interfaced to HPLC. Measure fluorescein concentrations down to 20 ppt
  • - Excitation range spanning 254 to 750 nm
  • - Measures emission from 190 to 870 nm
  • - Measure fluorescein concentrations down to 20 ppt

Description Applications
Precise torsion balance for measuring surface tension of liquids
  • - Detergent concentration in water.
  • - Solvent cleanliness.
  • - Excitation range spanning 254 to 750 nm
  • - Measures emission from 190 to 870 nm
  • - Measure fluorescein concentrations down to 20 ppt

Zetasizer Particle Size Analyzer
Description Applications
The Malvern Zetasizer series measures particle and molecule size from below a nanometer to several microns using dynamic light scattering, zeta potential and electrophoretic mobility using electrophoretic light scattering, and molecular weight using static light scattering. Determining the molecular or particle size of species suspended in liquids.
Particle and molecule sizes from below a nanometer to several microns Temperature range (°C): 0 - 90

Surface Analysis

Auger / Electron Spectrometry for Chemical Analysis (ESCA)
Description Applications
The VG ESCALAB 250 has XPS and Auger capabilities. XPS capability allows for the elemental identification and binding energy determination. Binding energy provides information on the chemical state of the element. Auger capability allows for elemental identification and limited binding energy. XPS uses an X-ray beam to probe the sample surface, so has a spatial resolution of on about 10 mm. Auger uses an electron beam to probe the surface, so has a spatial resolution of 10nm. The system has an argon ion beam which can be used to clean a surface for analysis or create depth profiles. The ESCALAB can be used as an XPS to quantify elemental surface concentrations and provide binding energy, which can be translated to provide chemical information. The ESCALAB can also be used as an Auger to provide elemental surface concentrations with very small spot size. In both cases the depth of analysis is about 100 Angstroms, compared to several microns for SEM analysis. The ESCALAB has been used to examine semiconductor materials, propulsion hardware, adhesive failures and vapor deposited metal layers.
  • - Specifications
  • - Elements Detected: all elements except H and He
  • - Detection Limit: 0.1 at %
  • - Depth Resolution: 10nm
  • - Auger Spot Size: ~1µm

Description Applications
The Dektak 3 is a surface texture measuring system, which can analyze the vertical surface profile of the sample: its roughness, waviness and step height. Measurements are made electromechanically by moving the sample beneath a diamond-tipped stylus. Dektak 3 provides accurate height measurements with vertical resolution of 5 Å in a long lateral scan range of 50 μm to 30 mm. The instrument combines a reliable measurement accuracy of 10 Å, 1σ step height repeatability, enabling precise measurements of thin films below 100 Å. A color video camera and provides both the real time viewing of the scan in progress and saves a video image of the analyzed surface for further reference.
  • - Layer thickness/sputter rate calibration: crater depth measurements after depth profiling with AES/XPS and SIMS techniques.
  • - Semiconductors: step heights, etched depth.
  • - Magnetic discs: microroughness.
  • - Optics: profile shape and curvature of lenses and filters.
  • - Hybrid circuits: thick films and substrate roughness.
  • - Industrial: high precision chemical etching, coating and polishing.
  • - Vertical Resolution: 5Å
  • - Vertical range: 65.5μm
  • - Scan Length: 50μm to 30mm
  • - Stylus Tip Radius: 12.5μm standard
  • - Stylus Force range: 10 - 50mg
  • - Step Height repeatability: 10Å, 1σ typical
  • - Data points per scan: 2000 maximum
  • - Sample Stage Diameter: 127 mm
  • - X-Y stage transition: 20mm x 80mm
  • - Theta Sample positioning: 360
  • - Sample viewing: Color Camera, 90x

Scanning Electron Microscope with EDX and WDX
Description Applications
JEOL JSM-5900 Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) produces images of a sample by scanning it with a focused beam of electrons. The electrons interact with atoms in the sample, producing various signals that can be detected and that contain information about the sample's surface topography and composition. SEM can achieve resolution better than 1 nanometer. Elemental analysis can be achieved using EDAX-EDX or Oxford Microspec WDX methods. Produces high resolution images with large depth of field. Image capabilities include: Secondary Electron, Back-Scattered Electrons and X-Ray Elemental Dot Mapping. Large sample chamber accommodates samples as large as 12 inches. Used for failure analysis, metal analysis, elemental analysis and other image and elemental disciplines.
  • - Magnification: 25x – 15,000x
  • - Elements: Boron and higher atomic masses
  • - Sample Size: Up to 6" x 6" x 2"
  • - Working Distance: 10 – 48mm
  • - Current: 80 microamps

Thermal Analysis

Thermal Mechanical Analyzer (TMA)
Description Applications
TA Instrument's TMA 2960 measures a change of a dimension or a mechanical property of the sample while it is subjected to a temperature regime. The platform and probe are made of quartz. Since the temperature is computer controlled, the temperature regime can be a ramp, step functions or oscillation.
  • - The TMA can be used to determine coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE), softening points and other measurements where mechanical movement is a function of temperature.
  • - The TMA was used to discover the failure mechanism of an accelerometer, which gave false signals when its hermetic seal failed at low temperature and air rushed into the package resulting in a mechanical expansion of the package.
  • - Temperature Range: -150°C to 1000°C
  • - Temperature Precision: 1°C
  • - Temperature Ramp Max: 20°C/min
  • - Temperature Ramp Nominal: 5°C/min
  • - Dimensional Range: h=1", 0.375"x0.375"
  • - Dimensional Precision: 0.1micron
  • - Load Range: 1mN to 1N (100grams)

Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA)
Description Applications
TA Instrument's 2980 measures the visco-elastic nature of polymers by applying an oscillating force to a sample and measuring the resulting displacement of the sample. The sample deforms under the load. From this the stiffness of the sample can be determined, and the sample modulus can be calculated. By measuring the time lag in the displacement compared to the applied force it is possible to determine the damping properties of the material. The time lag is reported as a phase lag, which is an angle. The damping is called tan delta, as it is reported as the tangent of the phase lag. The DMA is used to measure viscoelastic properties such as modulus, tan delta, glass transition, beta and gamma transition.
  • - Temperature Range: -150°C to 500°C
  • - Temperature Precision: 1°C
  • - Temperature Ramp Max: 20°C/min
  • - Temperature Ramp Nominal: 3°C/min
  • - Dimensional Range (max): 28mm x 24mm x 0.25mm
  • - Dimensional Range (min): 60mm x 12mm x 7mm
  • - Clamps: Dual Cantilever (x3 sizes), 3 Point Bend (x2 sizes), Film Clamp, Fiber Clamp, Compression Clamp

Simultaneous Differential Temperature Analysis and Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (SDT:DTA/TGA)
Description Applications
TA Instrument's 2960 measures the mass change and heat flow from a sample in a controlled gaseous environment. The SDT is used to measure the mass loss and heat flow from a sample. TGA is commonly employed in research and testing to determine characteristics of materials such as polymers to determine degradation temperatures, absorbed moisture content of materials, the level of inorganic and organic components in materials, decomposition points of propellants, and solvent residues. It is also often used to estimate the corrosion kinetics.
  • - Temperature Range: Room Temperature to 1500°C
  • - Temperature Precision: 1°C
  • - Temperature Ramp Max: 50°C/min
  • - Temperature Ramp Nominal: 5 - 10°C/min
  • - Dimensional Range: d=0.22", t < />
  • - Mass Range < />
  • - Mass Precision: 0.2 micrograms
  • - D-Temp Precision

Differential Scanning Calorimeter (DSC)
Description Applications
TA Instrument's 2910 measures the difference in the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of a sample and reference are measured as a function of temperature. Both the sample and reference are maintained at nearly the same temperature throughout the experiment. Generally, the temperature program for a DSC analysis is designed such that the sample holder temperature increases linearly as a function of time. The reference sample should have a well-defined heat capacity over the range of temperatures to be scanned. The DSC can be used to identify the temperature for thermal changes in a sample, such as glass transition, melting point, and phase changes. It can also be used to measure the heat flow phenomena, such as exothermic and endothermic reactions. The residual cure for epoxies can be seen using DSC.
  • - Temperature Range: -150°C to 1000°C
  • - Temperature Precision: 0.2°C
  • - Temperature Ramp Max: 50°C/min
  • - Temperature Ramp Nominal: 5°C/min
  • - Dimensional Range: d=0.22", t=25mils
  • - Modulated Capability: yes
  • - Mass Range: 3mg – 100mg
  • - Pressurized Cell Available: 300psi


Microwave Digestion Oven
Description Applications
CEM MARS 5 Microwave Digestion System
  • - Used in conjunction with ICP-MS and ICP-OES to digest solid or semi-solid samples.
  • - Wide variety of applications and uses, from digestion of organic samples (e.g., oils, greases, waxes, etc.) to digestion of metal alloys to digestion of refractory ceramics.
  • - A microwave power system with operator selectable output of 0 – 1200 watts ±15% (1200 watts full power @ 2450 MHz).
  • - Fluoropolymer-coated microwave cavity.
  • - 3 door safety interlocks and an interlock monitoring system to prevent microwave emission when door is open.
  • - Cavity exhaust fan and tubing to safely vent fumes.
  • - An alternating or continuous mode turntable system.
  • - Dedicated computer programmable for 100 digestion programs consisting up to 5 stages each.

Laminar Flow Bench
Description Applications
The Chemistry laboratory department has two laminar flow benches for working in a low particle clean environment. Both are Class 10,000 hoods and the flow and particle count are checked once per month.
  • - Handling samples in a low particle/dust environment.
  • - Used for filtration and particle count analyses
  • - Class 10,000 working area
  • - 90-100 ft/min air flow

Description Applications
Balances Analytical balances obtain an accurate mass to a very high degree of precision and accuracy. Min range = 2micrograms; Max range = 3000grams (6.6pounds)
Balance Max (grams) Precision (mg)
  • Mettler S205 80/220 0.01/0.1
  • Mettler S205 80/220 0.01/0.1
  • Mettler AT20 22 0.002
  • Mettler 1203S 1210 1
  • Sartorius 3000 100

Optical Microscope
Description Applications
Leica M2-16 Binocular microscope with color camera. Used to visualize small items. Large working distance allows for performing work under the microscope. High resolution camera allows for photo-documentation of samples.
  • Objective: x0.71 – x11.5
  • Base: x1.5
  • Ocular: x10
  • PAX-IT PX5 5 Megapixel

Glove Box
Description Applications
Balances Provides a low moisture and oxygen environment for samples
Samples must have a low moisture and oxygen content.

Description Applications
The Beckman Coulter Allegra X-22 centrifuge uses centrifugal force to separate mixtures of materials that have different densities.
  • - Routine processing such as sample preparations, pelleting, extractions, purifications, concentrations, and phase separations.
  • - Useful for separation/removal of solids from solutions that would otherwise not be feasible by filtration methods.
  • - Maximum Speed: 14,500 rpm (Fixed-angle)
  • - Maximum g-Force: 19,309 x g
  • - Maximum Capacity: 4 x 250mL
  • - Run Time Timed: (Up to 9 hrs, 59 min.)
  • - Hold, Pulse (Short Run) Hold, Pulse (Short Run)
  • - Drive: Brushless Induction
  • - Accel/Decel Profiles: 10/10
  • - Dimensions(cm) Lid Closed: 46W x 55D x 35.5H
  • - Dimensions(in) Lid Closed: 18.1W x 21.7D x 14H
  • - Weight without Rotor: 48kg (106lbs)

Rotary Evaporator
Description Applications
BUCHI Rotavapor R-200 Rotary Evaporator
  • - Rapid evaporation of solvents for non-volatile residue (NVR) analysis.
  • - NVR of a wide variety of solvents, including water is possible.
  • - Safe, 'clean' method of solvent evaporation/distillation that allows for convenient collection of evaporated solvent.
  • - Dedicated B-490 Immersion Bath:
    • 20-100oC (Water)
    • 20-180oC (Oil)
  • - Vacuum: Can pull 25-30 in. Hg using Building House Vacuum
  • - Servo Jack and Driving Unit Equipped with Over-Temperature Protection
  • - Plastic and Glass Receiving Flask Implosion Protection

Description Applications
Lab Ovens Heating processes
  • - BI 1400 Furnace 4x3.25x4.5 1100
  • - BI 6000 Furnace 20x21x21 975
  • - VWR 1330 FD 13x13x14 250
  • - Thermo Thelco 18x16x26 250
  • - Thermo Thelco (Flight) 18x16x26 250

DI Water System
Description Applications
Sophisticated high-purity deionized (DI) water feed system that processes DI water from building deionizing beds into a pump-driven polishing loop with dedicated UV lamp. This is fed to two Millipore Milli-Q Element ultrahigh-purity water systems resulting in DI water that is essentially free of all inorganic and organic impurities.
  • - Analysis of trace impurities in samples requiring dilution with DI water.
  • - Used for IC, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, AAS and TOC analyses.
  • - M3 Building Deionizing Beds: 1-12 MOhm DI water
  • - M3/2158 Polishing Loop: 12-16 MOhm DI water
  • - Milli-Q Element DI Water: > 18 MOhm / < 1="" ppm="" toc="" di="" />

Casio EXLIM EX-F1 High Speed Camera
Description Applications
The EXLIM can operate as a single shoot or high speed digital camera. The shooting rate is variable for the 60 images, ranging from one image per second for a full minute (one image per second) to 60 fps. All of this means that the EX-F1 allows burst shooting at speeds faster than those possible with a single reflex camera, and beautiful images of each moment of high-speed action as it occurs.
  • - Image capture
  • - High speed phenomena capture
  • - Propellant ignition delay
  • - Number of effective pixels 6.00 million
  • - Optical Zoom 12x
  • - Digital Zoom 4x
  • - Focus Range Auto 40cm to infinity
  • - Focus Range Manual 5cm to infinity
  • - Shutter Speed 1 to 1/40,000second
  • - Video Speed / Pixels STD 30fps / 640x480
  • - Video Speed / Pixels HD 30fps / 1280x720
  • - Video Speed / Pixels High Speed 300fps / 512x384
  • - Video Speed / Pixels 600fps / 432x192
  • - Video Speed / Pixels 1200fps / 336x96

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