Powering multi-domain dominance for Army Missions

In our commitment to support the U.S. Army's modernization transformation, Northrop Grumman delivers advanced technologies, critical capabilities to soldiers and combat formations quickly and affordably.

With deep expertise and understanding of the multi-domain battle, our combat avionics, integrated air and missile defense, cyber security, training, and multifunction mission systems, can affordably enable the transition back to multi-spectral competencies.

Our open, modular architecture also allows for rapid integration and the ability to update systems as the threat evolves, providing the decisive advantage needed for mission success.

Mission Systems Architectures

digital cockpit of blackhawk helicopter

Integrated Avionics

Our transformational approach to avionics modernizes the U.S. Army’s UH-60L Black Hawk helicopters with a glass cockpit, including an integrated computational system, visual display system and Control Display Units. Our solution extends the life and mission capabilities of the UH-60 platform.

Learn more about Digital Avionics
digital cockpit of blackhawk helicopter

Rotary Wing Modular, Open Systems Approach

Northrop Grumman’s integrated, open systems architecture features high performance across multiple platforms and enables software-defined upgrades. Our open, flexible, plug & play architecture supports rapid and timely capability enhancements, so our customers benefit from the most efficient and affordable solutions over a program’s life cycle.

Learn More about Modular, Open Systems Approach
multifunction infographic

Multifunction Sensors

A multifunction sensor, unlike traditional sensors, consolidates multiple capabilities into a single sensor, decreasing both the number of apertures needed and the size, weight, and power requirements for the advanced capabilities. Sophisticated multifunction apertures can deploy several functions simultaneously, and are fully software-defined, allowing them to be repurposed or rapidly updated for changing threats without expensive and costly hardware modifications.

Learn More about Multifunction Sensors
Large command center with multiple computer screens and people monitoring data.

Networking & Communications

Creating a resilient, cyber-secure, open and integrated communications network is critical to maintaining the strategic advantage needed to succeed across today’s technology-driven battlespace.

Learn More about Advanced Networking Technology

Aircraft Survivability

picture of advanced threat warner missile warning system

Advanced Threat Warner (ATW) Missile Warning System

The world's most capable multi-function/multi-spectral warning sensor

picture of AN/APR-39D(V)2 Digital Radar Warning Receiver and Electronic Warfare Management System

AN/APR-39 Digital Radar Warning Receiver Family

Multispectral threats are becoming more sophisticated and lethal. The key to outfoxing them? Agility.

aircraft infrared-guided anti-aircraft missile threat protection system

Common Infrared Countermeasures (CIRCM)

Designed specifically to protect rotary wing and medium fixed wing aircraft from IR missiles

infrared countermeasure flares exploding in night sky

MJU-73/B and MJU-62A/B Infrared Countermeasure Flares

Delivering advanced solutions that meet the challenges posed by peer and near-peer adversaries

Advanced Targeting

apache fcr helicoptor

Apache Fire Control Radar (FCR)

A combat proven force multiplier

soldier looking thourgh viewfinder of lightweight laser designator rangefinder (lldr)

AN/PED-1 Lightweight Laser Designator Rangefinder (LLDR)

More than 2,700 LLDR systems have been delivered and fielded to date

Combat Support

african american man typing on laptop


In today’s conflicts, a new battlefield is arising – one where traditional systems aren’t the only ones targeted

Conceptual illustration of the Army’s new landing craft on ship

Maneuver Support Vessel – Light (MSVL)

Providing the C4I systems engineering and program management support to BMT Designers & Planners

Live, virtual and constructive training solutions

Live, Virtual and Constructive (LVC) Training

Interoperable, on-demand, global LVC training solution

Armaments & Lethality

gun on military vehicle

Advanced Ammunition

Northrop Grumman’s advanced medium-caliber ammunition is capable of programmable airburst, proximity airburst, and guidance to meet emerging threats that couldn't be defeated otherwise.

tank with American flag and Bushmaster chain gun

Bushmaster® Chain Guns®

Medium caliber Bushmaster Chain Guns are providing superior effects on several U.S. Army programs to ensure battlefield advantage.

hand holding guided projectile

Guided Projectiles

The innovative Precision Guidance Kit combines guidance capability and fuze functions in one device.

lethality enhanced ordnance & warheads

Lethality Enhanced Ordnance & Warheads

Eliminates unexploded ordnance and contains no submunitions while providing equal or greater munition performance.

row of artillery

Precision Guidance Kit

The U.S. Army recently awarded Northrop Grumman a contract to qualify the next generation Precision Guidance Kit (PGK) for artillery.

tactical propulsion & controls

Tactical Propulsion & Controls

Propulsion systems for tactical missiles, missile interceptors, launch vehicles and space.

Missile Defense

illustration of military command center

Integrated Air and Missile Defense Battle Command System (IBCS)

Integrates and optimizes every-sensor/best-effector operations

joint tactical ground station (jtags)

Joint Tactical Ground Station (JTAGS)

Provides reliable and affordable early missile detection and warning

illustration of prototype solution on combat vehicle

SHORAD (Short-Range Air Defense)

Provides the command and control (C2) and situational awareness to respond to diverse threats

Situational Awareness

rendering of future attack recon aircraft

Air Launched Effects

Supporting the Army’s attritable platform strategy

assured positioning, navigation and timing (a-pnt)

Assured Positioning, Navigation and Timing (A-PNT)

The complementary use of inertial devices augmented with additional alternative methods of navigation

A designers example of a Short Range Air Defense (SHORAD) in action.


Provides an integrated, layered solution, from sensing to intercept

illuminating flares light up night sky

Illuminating Flares

Providing greater tactical battlefield illumination in both the visible and infrared spectra

illustration of concept for Future Vertical Lift

Integrated Communications Navigation and Identification (iCINI)

Providing more than 27 fully-integrated capabilities

starlite small tactical radar - lightweight

STARLite Small Tactical Radar – Lightweight

The AN/ZPY-1 STARLite is a small, lightweight SAR/GMTI/DMTI radar used for supporting tactical operations.

vader (vehicle and dismount exploitation radar) on prop aircraft

VADER (Vehicle And Dismount Exploitation Radar)

Allows accurate GMTI data and SAR imagery to be readily available to ground commanders in real time

Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN) logo

Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (TITAN)

A scalable and expeditionary intelligence ground station

In the News

Find the latest in stories, news and media regarding Northrop Grumman's activities in U.S. Army's modernization transformation

finger pointing at computer screen

Northrop Grumman’s FAAD C2 System Enables Integrated Short Range Air Defense in Baltic Region

miliary helicopters in flight

A Very Close Look At The Anti-Missile System That Will Equip 1,500+ US Army Helicopters (The Aviationist)

military helicopter cockpit

Northrop Grumman to Enhance UH-60V Aircraft Capabilities

finger pointing at computer screen

Northrop Grumman’s FAAD C2 Plays Integral Role Testing JADC2 Messaging Standard

8 GPS-guided precision weapons lined up

Northrop Grumman Delivers Over 100,000 Artillery Precision Guidance Kits for the US Army

military personel in war room

Northrop Grumman Demonstrates Joint Integrated Fires During Valiant Shield